Group Work

For Primary & Secondary

Our group programs deliver evidence-based skills in a collaborative and engaging environment.
Group work can offer a supportive space to share, learn and reflect.

Group work for children and teens

Secret Agent Society

**Please note we are currently delivering our Skills Hub program as an alternative to SAS

What is SAS?

SAS is a small group program designed to support children with ASD, ADHD, anger and anxiety as well as those who might be needing some extra support with social skills.

With a strong evidence base underpinning the program, it has demonstrated effectiveness in improving four key life skills:

  1. Emotion Recognition (in self and others)
  2. Emotion Regulation (particularly anxiety and anger)
  3. Social Problem Solving
  4. Social Skills (for friendship and teamwork!)

Who is it for?

The SAS program is available for children aged 8-12

Learn more about SAS

All the information you need about SAS can be found on the official website - Secret Agent Society

Secret Agent Society - group work for children

Skills Hub (Primary)

What is Skills Hub?

Skills Hub (Primary) is a small group program where we enrich communication skills, build a shared understanding of emotions and incorporate aspects of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to better understand how our brains work. The group explores the following areas:

  1. Understanding Emotions
  2. Relaxation Skills
  3. Thinking Strategies
  4. Effective Communication
  5. Positive Friendships

We combine fun, interactive activities with skills work and take-home resources.

Who is it for?

Skills hub is open to ages 8-12.

Where can I learn more?

Download a flyer here - Skills Hub Flyer - Primary

Skills hub primary group work for children

Skills Hub (Secondary)

What is Skills Hub?

Skills hub (Secondary) is a group work program based on the skills of Dialectical Behavioural Therapy. It is suitable for supporting anxiety, mood, impulse control, self-harm, negative thoughts and more. We combine talk, art, craft, relaxation activities, connection & collaboration in a no pressure environment. Come and talk, or just watch and absorb.

We explore skills in the following areas:

  1. Mindfulness
  2. Distress Tolerance
  3. Emotional Regulation
  4. Interpersonal Effectiveness
  5. Emotional Regulation

Who is it for?

Skills hub is open to ages 13-18.

Where can I learn more?

Download a flyer here - Skills Hub Flyer - Secondary

Skills hub secondary group work for children